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A new project would be formed in the Plan phase. If there is a sufficient business need for the project and all of the Plan phase requirements are met, the project then moves into the Design phase.

What happens during the Plan Phase?

The Plan phase begins when a new project request is presented to the DBA team. The DBA team representatives collaborate with the requestors on building a business case and determining the benefits portion of the ROI (return on investment) spreadsheet. In order to complete the cost portion of the ROI, they will also collaborate with appropriate ITD staff to determine the overall structure of the technical solution, which will be subjected to an architecture and technology plan review. The degree of formality and number of reviewers will be determined by the size and complexity of the project. Once the architectural review is completed successfully, a Project Charter, containing high-level project scope, staff roles/responsibilities/authorization, resources assigned, a communication plan, security and standards, is developed. An Evan Swaps analysis is done if there appear to be multiple viable solutions; this is done prior to any approvals. Internal Order, name, objects and task estimates are entered into the DBA Project Management system. If the technical solution involves changes that require executive approval, the project design and or results will be reviewed by the applicable managers. The project charter and project plan should include time for managers to review and approval.

Plan Phase Artifacts/Templates

How do you know when the Plan phase is complete?

The best way to make that determination is to make sure that the Plan Artifacts are complete and sufficient. If some of the artifacts are complete, but the scope of the project is unclear, it is recommended to go through another iteration of the Plan Phase and do extra research and investigation.


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Last modified: 09/22/07