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What happens during the Support Phase?

Once the deployment of a project is complete, it will be up to the project manager to determine the time period throughout which the system will be closely monitored by the key ITD staff. This can vary depending on the system, but should not exceed one month. After this time, the project is closed and normal maintenance activities begin.

The support phase is broken down into three sub phases: Monitor-Analyze-Improve. Monitoring includes activities related to determining the performance of the product or service. This may be done via automated tools or by reviewing complaints received via Remedy. Any issues identified are analyzed and a course of action is determined. If the product or service is not performing according to its design and specifications, the issue will be corrected if possible. If changes are desired, a determination will be made as to whether they are very minor and can be handled as work orders (to be fit into normal maintenance) or if a new project is needed. Several small requests may be bundled to make a project.

Support Artifacts/Templates

How do you know when the Support phase is complete?

Once a product or service enters the support phase, it remains there until it is no longer needed.


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Last modified: 09/22/07